Self-Efficacy, Self-Awareness and Parental Involvement as Determinants of Goal Setting Among the Adolescent Youth

  • Lazarus Ndiku Makewa
  • Winnie Muthoni Ngila
Keywords: Self-efficacy, self-awareness, parental involvement, goal-setting, determinants


This study endeavored to test how self-efficacy, self-awareness and parental involvement
affected goal setting among the youth. The study was descriptive and comparative in design
in that subjects were measured once and that the variables were compared between subjects
in terms of gender. Purposive sampling was done to obtain a sample with adolescents only;
the sample consisted of 148 youths, making 31.092 % of respondents all aging between 13
and 24 years. A questionnaire was constructed to test on self-efficacy, self-awareness and
parental involvement as determinants of goal setting among the youth. The questionnaire had
a reliability of 0.767. Mean ratings of the variables were compared in analysis of the
descriptive information of the variables. Results of frequencies and mean comparisons were
used to answer the first research question. ANOVA was done to determine whether there was
a significant difference in the determinants of goal setting among the youth in terms of
gender so as to answer the second question. To answer question three, Pearson correlation
coefficient was determined. The results indicate that respondents bear perceived self-efficacy
that can influence them positively in goal setting. While self-efficacy and self-awareness
emanate from within an individual, parental involvement is an external factor. Nevertheless,
among the three variables, it has the highest mean rating as a factor that influences goal
setting among the adolescent youths. The study established that there is no significant
difference in the determinants of goal setting between male and female youths. Another
moderately positive relationship is observed between self-efficacy and parental involvement
in goal setting among the youth.


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Author Biographies

Lazarus Ndiku Makewa

University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Kenya

Winnie Muthoni Ngila

University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Kenya


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How to Cite
Makewa, L. N., & Ngila, W. M. (2015). Self-Efficacy, Self-Awareness and Parental Involvement as Determinants of Goal Setting Among the Adolescent Youth. IJRDO-Journal of Applied Science, 1(4), 100-112.