(Case Study of Teenagers in “XYZ” High School, Rawa Buaya, West Jakarta)
Youth observers argue that the rise of premarital sexual behavior in the last ten years has been due to a lack of teenager knowledge of sexuality. This is because most parents are less open and tend to hesitate to provide an understanding of the problem of sex to children. As a result, teenagers in general tend to place the media as a source of sexual information more important than parents, because more media can 'meet' the wants and needs of teenage sexuality.
Teenagers also get information about sex from peer-group. This is because the proximity of teenagers with peer-group is very high. Peer-group often replaces family ties, is a source of affection, a source of sympathy and understanding, a place to share experiences, as well as where teens achieve autonomy and independence.
Understanding that teenagers tend to place media and peer-group as a source of sexuality information, researchers are interested to see which of the two variables that most influence teenager sexual behavior.
This research is explanatory research with positivistic paradigm. The research method is survey, with data collection technique through questionnaire. The population is “XYZ” high school students of Rawa Buaya sub-district, with a total sample of 80 students. The analysis tool used is linear regression. Data processed using SPSS software version 22.
The results showed that the variable of sex information through the media had more influence on teenager sexual behavior, compared with peer-group support variable. Furthermore, simultaneously variable sex information through media and peer-group’s support affects teenage sexual behavior.
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