This historical undertaking, which is borne out of the need to address the scarcity of local
historical narrative traces and re-constructs the highlights of events at Dumaguete City High
School as a premier Secondary school in the division of Dumaguete City starting from its inception
by virtue of a city ordinance to the enumeration of the different school offerings and programs
from school year 1967 to 2019, the identification of the former and present school administration
are also given emphasis, as well its achievement and contribution, the challenges and how they
responded to the challenges. The data were collected and subjected through documentary research
and identification of key informants by means of interview and external criticism.
The establishments of Dumaguete City High School is a concreate manifestation of the
different factors. The significant role of the political leaders of the time serves as cornerstone in
the early beginnings of the school as indicated in the numerous city resolutions and ordinances and
the social impact of the creation of a City High School in Dumaguete City where we can see a
clear and transparent collective and harmonious relationships with its local leaders and the
immediate community with the interaction of the achievements and contributions as well as the
challenges of the school heads, thus giving each school leaders the academic maneuvering on its
These political and social horizons as well as the leadership style of its school’s heads are
not different from each other, rather they are interconnected and very relevant as a determining
factors in the establishment, operation and historical highlights of Dumaguete City High School.
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