• Ajak O. P. Ajak University of Upper Nile, South Sudan
  • Ahmed E. Abdalla University of Gezira, Sudan
  • Mutasim Ali Mohamed Elagab University of Gezira, Sudan
Keywords: petroleum waste, soil, local environment, Upper Nile, South Sudan


This study aims to investigate the impact of petroleum waste on soil and local environment in Paloch and Adar Yale counties in South Sudan. Population of the study is 30,000 persons. 265 respondents were selected randomly as a sample of the study. Variables were, soil pollution, and effect on Natural Resources. Data were collected through field survey, involving (primary data) which were collected by using questionnaire and (laboratory data) which were collected from soil in three locations. (SSPS) was used for primary data analysis by using descriptive statistics, while for the laboratory data; Atomic absorption Spectroscopy (AAS700) was used. Findings of primary data showed 80 .7%, of the respondents are male, 51.9% were moderate ages, 44.4% were a secondary educational level, 77.8% observed soil erosion, 75.6% observed land dispute, 85.2%, indicated increasing population density, 71.9% illustrate increased air pollution. Natural Resources employees shows that 66.2% noticed animals’ death, 93.8%, illustrate emigration of wilds life. Regarding local government employees, 73.8% of them reported absence of supervision from government, 92.3% reported that petroleum wastes buried in the soil, 89.2% of respondents were live near petroleum wells, 53.8% of respondents reported absence of services to the residents. While the laboratory data indicates presence of (Hg, As and Pb) in higher levels compared to the normal international allowed one, and the level of (Fe and Mn) were lower. Recommendations were. Avoid burial the petroleum waste in soil, Petroleum companies must commit for development and awareness about oil hazards and to convinced the residents live away from the petroleum wells with services such as (Education, hearth, water drinking and electricity).


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How to Cite
Ajak, A. O. P., Abdalla, A. E., & Mohamed Elagab, M. A. (2023). The IMPACT OF PETROLEUM WASTES ON SOIL AND LOCAL ENVIRONMENT IN MELUT AND MABAN - UPPER NILE STATE- SOUTH SUDAN. IJRDO Journal of Forestry, Wild Life and Environment , 9(3), 1-8. Retrieved from