Minimum risk estimation of scale parameter of length biased Maxwell distribution with censoring

  • Kusum Lata Singh Gorakhpur University
  • R. S. Srivastava D.D.U. Gorakhpur University
Keywords: Length biased Maxwell distribution (LBMD),, loss function, risk function,, MMSE estimators,, squared error loss function.


Length biased distribution arise when the probability of inclusion of population unit in sample is related to
the value of the variable measured. For example textile sampling Cox (1969). In this paper the genesis of a length
biased Maxwell distribution has been given. The minimum risk estimators of its scale have been obtained under
squared error, precautionary and other two loss functions with the help of a type II censored sample. The relative
efficiencies have been calculated for the sake of comparison.


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How to Cite
Singh, K. L., & Srivastava, R. S. (2017). Minimum risk estimation of scale parameter of length biased Maxwell distribution with censoring. IJRDO -JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 3(8), 01-07.