The Dawn of Malaysia, development Experience and an economic success
In a short period, Malaysia has been able to record improvement across all sectors. This is due to the well-established policies and strategies that have been able to fight poverty and raise incomes, as well as the elimination of the conflicts that existed between the different ethnic races of the Malaysian state. This behavior raised allegiance from the tribe to a wider space, the Malaysian nation. Its economy was developed, and take a good place in the international community through excellence in the field of technological creativity, which baffled developed Western countries.
A remarkable experience deserves study and reflection.
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-International Reports:
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- Ragayah Haji Mat Zina, Malaysian Development Experience: Lessons for Developing Countries, Institute of Malaysian & International Studies, National University of Malaysia., Vol. 6, No. 1, April 2014.
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-Siti Salwa Isa and Others, The Development of the Creative Economy in Malaysia as Experienced in Two Different Case Studies, Conference Paper, May13th, 2015, IEEE Symposium in Business, Engineering and industrial Application, Langkawi, Malaysia.
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