Guerres et occupation anarchique des espaces urbains en République Démocratique du Congo. Regard sur les blocs RVA et Hewabora dans la ville de Kindu Par

  • Alphonse Sabiti Makinga Sociologue, Chef de Travaux à l’ISTM/Kindu et doctorant à l’Université de Kisangani.
  • Alphonse Mbate Lupiki Professeur à l’Université de Kisangani et Chef de Département de Sociologie à la Faculté des Sciences Sociales, Administratives et Politiques
  • Innocent Ramazani Mizaba Chef de Travaux à l’ISTM/ Kindu et Doctorant en Sociologie à l’Université de Kisangani. 3Innocent Ramazani Mizaba est chercheur sociologue indépendant
Keywords: War, anarchical Occupation, urban Space, Migration, Out of place


The migratory fluxes, certainly exercise a considerable pressure on the city in
terms of demand of lodging and the fundamental. This situation developed a new fashion of
the fundamental occupation clearing on a wild morcelement of the urban and conducted soil
to the proliferation of the casual habitats.
However, even though the war caused an important occupation of the space of
the city of Kindu, it doesn't constitute some for as much the unique reason. Indeed, the war
had only caused the migratory flux. The choice of the space to occupy by the migrants was
bound more to the security constraints, provoking a fundamental mess thus.
This established article an interrelationship between the war and the anarchical
occupation of the urban space in the city of Kindu and precisely in two blocks to know the
RVA and Hewa Bora in the city of Kindu


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How to Cite
Makinga, A. S., Alphonse Mbate Lupiki, & Innocent Ramazani Mizaba. (2020). Guerres et occupation anarchique des espaces urbains en République Démocratique du Congo. Regard sur les blocs RVA et Hewabora dans la ville de Kindu Par. IJRDO - Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 5(4), 137-151.