• Pierre BOFENDA LOFETU Chef de Travaux à l’Institut Supérieur Pédagogique d’Isangi en RDC


Laurent- Désiré Kabila was at a time a chief of war and a man of state. Arrived to the power following the military victory of the Alliance of the Democratic Strengths for the Liberation of Congo (AFDL), on the troops of Mobutu May 17, 1997, Laurent- Désiré Kabila wanted to institute in DRC a socialist inspiration democracy. For him, the military victory in her only was not sufficient to change Congo. It is why, he extolled what he qualified of" revolution forgiveness ". In his understanding, it was necessary to mobilize the people in its whole to free the country of the neo-colonialism. It could be only possible if the power was really restored to the people through what it called" Committees of popular power ".


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How to Cite
LOFETU, P. B. (2021). LA TRAJECTOIRE POLITIQUE DE LAURENT- DESIRE KABILA. IJRDO - Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 6(9), 75-81.